Thursday, August 13, 2009

Confidence, Overconfidence or Arrogance?

A lot of people have been asking me if I'm nervous about having a baby. And honestly, I'm really not. If I had to say something, I would say I'm more anxious. I am ready to get the pregnancy and birth over with. With so many people asking me, I feel like I should be nervous, but I'm just not. I know it won't be easy; it's gonna be hard and stressful and exhausting, but it's just something I know is gonna happen. I've worked in several daycares, babysat plenty of times, and helped take care of my niece from the time she was born. So I've been around children and babies of all ages. I know it's not the same as having one yourself and taking care of it 24/7, but I know that I have enough experience that I'll generally know what to do, even if it's not easy. And I also have an amazing husband who will be here with me every step of the way. He may not realize it yet, but I know he is gonna be a wonderful father.
Maybe there is something I'm missing. Maybe my brain is blocking something out. But I feel like I have no reason to be scared. I know we can do it. And I think we're gonna do great :)

Brandon is still in New York. I must say, I'm a little jealous, but it's probably best I didn't go this time. I wouldn't have the energy to do everything they have been doing and I don't wanna be the party pooper. It was bad enough having morning (and day and night) sickness last time I was there. I'll be seeing Melissa and Joseph soon anyway :)
Two more days until Brandon comes home though. I've definitely missed him and it will be nice to have him here again. No longer will I have to hug a pillow at night ;)

Today, I woke up really wanting some bean, cheese and bacon tacos. We didn't have any tortillas, and even if we did, the store bought kind just weren't the ones I wanted. So I decided to try my luck at homemade tortillas. First try, not so good. No flavor at all. Tried again, not changing anything except adding a little more salt to boost the flavor. Still not so good. Then I found a whole new recipe. It was easier and tasted just like the kind restaurants make back home in Texas. Success! They were definitely what I was wanting.
Though due to my uncontrollable snacking while I was cooking, I'm not hungry anymore. Tacos will have to wait. But I'm super proud of myself for finally knowing how to make good tortillas!

1 comment:

  1. Tortillas sound so delicious. I'm expecting breakfast tacos at least one of the days I'm there. Now I'm shooting for Wednesday!
