Friday, August 7, 2009

Busy morning

Brandon left this morning to go to New York to visit his sister, Melissa, and their dad (he's visiting at the same time). I packed most of Brandon's suitcase for him last night, so I thought it would be an easy going morning. Wake up, finish packing, head to the station. All that went pretty well and we were on our way. Two metro stops away from Amtrak, we realized that we forgot his passport at home. Yea, I don't know what we were thinking. So I got off the metro to head back home while he went and waited for me at Amtrak.
As much as I love Montreal's public transportation, it's times like this that I hate depending on it. If I had cash, I would have taken a cab, but I knew of no atm nearby, so metro and bus it is! I ran every time I could, caught buses and metros as soon as possible and barely made it back to Amtrak in time for him to board the train. It was close! I was actually afraid he was gonna miss it.
So I said goodbye and made my way home. And now I am completely exhausted. My legs feel like jello, and it's really hot in the living room, but I don't even want to get up to move the fan in here. Not to mention we have a ton of boxes (yay presents!) surrounding this desk, so it doesn't reach well anyway.

I am amazed at all the stuff we've gotten so far for the shower. Toys R Us prints some of the item names/pictures on the outside of their boxes, so I know what a couple of things are. But even the ones I don't know came in big boxes! I didn't expect this and I'm so thankful that we have families that are willing to help us out so much. I was worried before about not being able to afford everything we were gonna need, but I don't think we are gonna have any problems at all thanks to everyone. It really is amazing. (But very hard not to open them for two more weeks!)

So now Brandon is gone until next Saturday. The apartment will definitely be lonely, but I'm sure I can find things to keep me busy. I have a few projects I want to get done anyway. Maybe this will be the motivation I need to do them.

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