Monday, May 18, 2009

21 Weeks

How your baby's growing:

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long —the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

Sorry for the late post today. It's is a holiday in Canada, Victoria Day, and Brandon was off work, so we went shopping at Ikea. Well, window shopping. We didn't buy anything, just looked around and picked stuff out that we are gonna get when we move. Brandon has been really busy at work lately, and since moving day is on a Monday (two weeks from today!), I might have to go alone to buy stuff. So I wanted to make sure to pick out stuff he liked as well.  We found some nice things for good prices, so it was worth the long trip. I am gonna go to a couple other places this week to look at more though.

As for baby, she is still doing good, as far as I can tell. Still not feeling her move, but I'm not gonna worry about that for another couple of weeks.

Other than the almost constant feeling of pressure in my stomach, I've been feeling good. So that's definitely been nice :)  
Allergies seem to be worsening a little, but that won't last much longer.

Picture to come soon.

1 comment:

  1. I heart Ikea! The prices on some stuff is amazing...

    And I heard that if you feel butterflies in your tummy, thats the baby moving. The first pregnancy always happens later than the ones to follow... She will start moving. Don't worry...

    And skinny butt... Its not like she has a lot of room to move anyway!

    Im jealous!
