Thursday, April 1, 2010

Doctors day 2

Amy went to get her vaccine today. Only one shot this time! And it wasn't the painful one, so she didn't cry at all. Didn't even seem to notice the needle. I was so proud of her. Though I am dreading her next round (in 6 more months), because that one is 3 shots, all in the shoulder and 2 of them have the painful medicine. That will not be a fun appointment.
The nurse today (with the actual chart) said Amy is both the height and weight of a 10 month old baby. And that she is above the 97th percentile.

Brandon has been sick lately, and now I think he might have gotten me sick. Stuffy nose, coughing, dry throat, the usual... I just hope Amy doesn't get sick.

We've been a bit busy, so I still haven't gotten the chance to get on the other computer to get the pictures, but they'll be up soon.

Hope everyone is having a great day!!

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