Wednesday, March 31, 2010

6 Months

Amy turned 6 months old on Monday, and everything is going very well. She is growing and growing. We went to her doctor today, they said she is the height of a 9 month old and one pound less than the average one year old.
She's been eating cereal, which she does very well with, and we've also given her some bananas the past couple of nights, which she also has been doing pretty good with. She's still very happy and laughing so much. It's amazing to see how much she can learn already!
Brandon went back to work a few weeks ago, which I think is a love/hate thing for him. And Melissa is visiting us right now, so that's been a lot of fun. Amy loves having someone else here for her to play with.

I finally got my laptop fixed, so I can use that more often now. But all of our pictures are on the computer in the bedroom, so I can't post any at the moment (Amy is asleep in there). I will try and get some up fairly soon.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see pictures! Glad she is doing so well. :)
