Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easter and other fun stuff

Melissa came to visit us for a week during her spring break, and Joseph came for a weekend. It was quite fun and Amy enjoyed having more people to give her attention. Though I am pretty sure after the week was over, she never wanted to be in her stroller again. She saw lots of the city though! And of course, got new stuff ;)

We went to the Jean Talon market and bought lots of fruit for our Easter picnic at Mont Royal. The weather ended up being a bit chilly, but it was still nice. We also did a lot of walking around the city.

Amy is learning to sit up on her own. She does pretty good for a few seconds, and then usually tries to grab the ground and falls over. She also seems to prefer mine and Brandon's toys over her own. She loves the laptop and ipod and remote, anything she can get her hands on that she is not supposed to. Her toys are no fun anymore now that she has found ours.

She's also been eating real food for a few weeks now. Not a fan of peas (though I'm not giving up!). She does pretty good. She got a bit mad at me after I kept feeding her the peas and didn't want to eat for a few days, but she is better now. I think I just have to mix stuff with cereal for a couple meals so that she can get used to the taste. She seems to take to new foods better that way.

Pea face!

More pictures

1 comment:

  1. Forget the peas, give the girl the Reeses! She is adorable and that picture of her in her hat is just beautiful!
