Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dr. Day

We went to the doctor today. Amy is very healthy :)
She is 31 inches tall and weighs in at 22 lbs, which the doctor said is bigger than the average one year old. That didn't surprise me at all though. Amy was born a big girl and never slowed down.
He also said we could start giving her milk, and if it sits well with her, start phasing out formula. So I guess will try removing the bottle and formula from the picture at the same time and see how it goes. As long as she has something to eat, I don't really think she'll miss the bottle that much. She already uses it about half as much as she used to and doesn't even seem to notice.

Also, I know I promised video and have not followed through. I apologize. Our video camera requires three cords to connect to the computer, and only two of them were in the camera bag. So I've gotta hunt down the other one. Hopefully I will find it soon!

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