Monday, July 26, 2010

Almost 10 months

I've gotten really bad at posting on here frequently. I do have a small excuse. Amy and I were in New York and Texas for 5 1/2 weeks visiting family. So we were either always on the go, or didn't have internet. But it was a lot of fun, and it was really great seeing all the people we got to see! Somehow, there's never enough time to see everyone though.

Anyway, about who you really come here to read about ;)
Amy has been doing very well, she's learning so much! Since I last posted, she can now sit up on her own (push herself into the sitting position), clap, crawl, pull herself up to stand and sort of walk while holding on to the couch. I took a video of her crawling this morning, but I laid her down for a nap in the bedroom, and then realized that the camera cord is in the bedroom. So I will have to upload and post it later. Haven't gotten a good video of her standing yet, but I'll keep trying. When she sees me pull out the video camera, she tends to just stare at me and smile.
She also sort of plays games now. One of them she did for a while, was that she would start to hand me or Brandon a toy, but then when we went to grab it, pull it away quickly and laugh. She did it over and over again. I think it's because I used to do that to her a lot. She thinks keep away is funny.
And last night during bath time, I put a big ring toy on her head. It fell off after a few seconds of course, but then she just grabbed it, gave it back to me, and then sat really still like she wanted me to do it again. So I put it back on her head, it fell off, she gave it back to me.

She's learning more and getting more fun as she gets older :)

As for foods, she doesn't want to eat baby food anymore. It can be forced on her if necessary, but she cries, so I just don't bother. So I've been giving her things like bananas, peaches, pears, squash and watermelon. She doesn't seem to like bread at this point, and she's still a little unsure about cheese. But she loves french fries!
Still no teeth though. Not even any sign of teeth coming soon. I'm starting to think she'll never get them. But she is fascinated by other people's teeth.

She has a doctor appointment this week. I'm curious how much bigger she has gotten. She wears some 12 month clothes, but 18 month is starting to fit her better, so her accelerated growth doesn't seem to be slowing down just yet.

And here are some of the pictures I took while on vacation. Videos to soon follow.

Messy eater

She knocked the box over, picked up a can and tried drinking it

Lazy child

Go speed racer!

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