Saturday, October 3, 2009

Up late update

Everything has been going pretty well so far. Amy is definitely our child. She loves to eat and she loves to sleep. Probably eating more so ;)
She was having a little trouble going to sleep at night (the first time) for a couple days, but she did amazing tonight. So hopefully that will continue to get better.
I started pumping today and gave her a couple bottles (I am soo sore, I needed a little break), and she seems to actually do better with them. When I breastfeed, she always just falls asleep and then if I try to put her down, she just wakes up fussy a few minutes later. But with the bottles today, she seemed to eat just as much as she wanted, but was then stayed awake, calm and satisfied. Except at night, when she fell asleep right away. It was great! She's been waking up every 3 hours at night pretty consistently for the past few nights, so that's been good as well.
We gave her a bath the night we got home because the hospital never did, and she did awesome for that as well. Didn't cry at all. Well, not until we took her out and she was cold, but I can't blame her for that.
So I don't think I could be happier with the way things are going so far. We're still getting enough sleep. Naps during the day. She seems to be eating well. And we even found a doctor today! Which is a big accomplishment here. It's very hard to find a doctor who is taking new patients. The one we finally found though, his nurse said he never turns down patients, which I really like.

Brandon is also doing very well. He has never been around babies, so this is all new for him, but I think he is a natural. He helps out so much, and can now feed her too. And I love watching him with her. I always knew he would be a great dad, and now he is proving me right :)

We took some more pictures (of course) and will be uploading and posting them soon!

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