Friday, August 20, 2010

What kind of kid doesn't like the park?

Amy went on her first trip to the park a few days ago. She was not a big fan of it. Didn't seem to like sitting in the sand. Or even the swing. I forgot the camera, so I didn't get any good pictures, but I'm gonna try again today. And take some toys this time.

The amount of real food Amy eats has been growing, while the amount of formula has been shrinking. For a while, she was having one bottle of formula at night, everything else was just regular food. A few nights ago, I stopped giving her the nightly bottle and she doesn't seem to miss it yet. This weaning thing might be easier than I thought :) (Lets just hope it continues!)

C25K has been going alright. Good and not so good. The first week was a bit tough, but that was expected because I don't run. Ever. Then this was supposed to be week 2, but I kinda got sick earlier this week and missed two days of it. That's the not so good part. But I went again this morning (just doing the week one set), and it was much easier than last week! My knees hurt a bit, but I wasn't very tired at all. So I'm looking forward to the rest of this program more now than I was before. I heard it got easier, but actually feeling that it did is great!

As you can see above, Amy likes to put cords in her mouth. This particular one is an iPod USB cord. At one point, another one of these cords was plugged into the computer, and when we weren't looking, Amy found the other end and put it in her mouth. Then, Brandon's computer popped up with "USB device not recognized". So apparently Amy is not an iPod. Good to know.

Happy Face

Gangsta face

By the way, our apartment smells like chicken fajita tacos right now. I really want some.

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