Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We've moved!

If anyone still reads this, I wanted to share that we've moved to a new home. A new blog home that is.

Feel free to catch up with us over at

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Always playing catch up

Colorado has been fantastic! The area is beautiful, the weather is nice, and we even have some family nearby! It's definitely been nice being able to see Melissa and Joseph a lot more. I like that Amy has at least some family she can grow up being around. The rest of our family (and some friends) have even been able to come visit us more. We've also met some great people here, so we've been having fun getting out and doing things again! For most people, the list of things we've done would be nothing, but for us, it's quite a bit! We've been to Rocky Mountain National Park a few times, the zoo, the aquarium, the botanic gardens, the children' museum and a few other places around the area. We even went pumpkin picking a few weeks ago! I enjoyed it, but Amy did not. The pictures from that are still on my camera, but I hope to sort and upload them soon.

Enjoying some books Grandma Amy got her

Me and Amy at Rocky Mountain National Park

Trying to feed a chipmunk (The chipmunk was not as interested)

Running through the park

Just walking around. It was colder than anticipated and I forgot her jacket, so she borrowed mine

Another big thing that happened a couple of months ago, was that Amy was playing at a neighbors house when she fell and hit her head on a dresser. A few hours and an emergency room visit later, she emerged like a champ with 6 stitches. Once we left the hospital, she pretty much forgot they were there, so they didn't seem to bother her much, until it was time to take them out. That was pretty traumatic.

There is more to post and say, but I will (hopefully) add that soon. Didn't want to overwhelm people all in one post ;)
Just wanted to let you all know that we are still alive and kicking!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A bit behind

Or maybe way behind, seeing as how I haven't posted here since October. To update, a lot has changed since then. Amy is walking like a pro, has lots of teeth starting to come in, and just gets cuter every day (can I say that?) Oh, and we moved back to the US! That's the most exciting part :)
Brandon got a job in Boulder, Colorado, so we packed up and came down here. And we love it so far! We have an amazing apartment, got a really nice, used Jeep Liberty, and the weather has been wonderful. Amy is even sleeping good! She has never been a good sleeper and it seemed she was getting worse, but starting just a few days after we moved in to this place, she has slept through the night almost every night! The sleep has been fantastic :)

My mom also came up just a few days after we got here and helped us get settled in, so it was very nice having her here to both help us and spend time with Amy, who loved all the extra attention. And in a few weeks, Melissa will be here, which is also very exciting. Several people are planning trips to visit us, now that it is much closer and easier.

Brandon has been enjoying his job so far, getting along with all his co-workers and everything.
In short, everything has been great! So, I leave you with a picture of Amy.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Walking (sort of)

Amy can't walk on her own yet, but she is getting closer all the time. She has a miniature shopping cart that she loves to push around the living room. She also has a small stroller and another push toy that she likes as well.
Last night, she started standing up without holding onto anything. It was only for a few seconds at a time, but it was more than she was doing before. Normally when we try to get her to do that, her legs just go limp and she sits, but she did it all on her own yesterday. One more step towards walking!

Here is a video I took of her walking with the shopping cart.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lots of pictures!

September was a busy month for us. We went to Texas for two weeks to visit family and surprise Brandon's mom for her birthday (she was very surprised). We had a great time and everyone loved seeing Amy.
Since Amy's birthday was at the end of the month, we had a small birthday dinner while we were in SA and found out she loves chocolate.

Then we came back home, along with Melissa and Grandma Amy. They stayed for a week and we saw the sights of Montreal.

Olympic Stadium

Notre Dame Basilica

Part of the old port

It was a lot of fun having them here and Amy enjoyed every bit of attention she got!

On Amy's actual birthday, we made her more cake. This time it had vanilla icing, and she wasn't as big of a fan. But we still got a few good pictures.

And finally, (two days before her birthday), she got some teeth! Two little pearly white nubs appeared on her bottom gums. They really seemed to pop up out of nowhere!

Friday, August 20, 2010

What kind of kid doesn't like the park?

Amy went on her first trip to the park a few days ago. She was not a big fan of it. Didn't seem to like sitting in the sand. Or even the swing. I forgot the camera, so I didn't get any good pictures, but I'm gonna try again today. And take some toys this time.

The amount of real food Amy eats has been growing, while the amount of formula has been shrinking. For a while, she was having one bottle of formula at night, everything else was just regular food. A few nights ago, I stopped giving her the nightly bottle and she doesn't seem to miss it yet. This weaning thing might be easier than I thought :) (Lets just hope it continues!)

C25K has been going alright. Good and not so good. The first week was a bit tough, but that was expected because I don't run. Ever. Then this was supposed to be week 2, but I kinda got sick earlier this week and missed two days of it. That's the not so good part. But I went again this morning (just doing the week one set), and it was much easier than last week! My knees hurt a bit, but I wasn't very tired at all. So I'm looking forward to the rest of this program more now than I was before. I heard it got easier, but actually feeling that it did is great!

As you can see above, Amy likes to put cords in her mouth. This particular one is an iPod USB cord. At one point, another one of these cords was plugged into the computer, and when we weren't looking, Amy found the other end and put it in her mouth. Then, Brandon's computer popped up with "USB device not recognized". So apparently Amy is not an iPod. Good to know.

Happy Face

Gangsta face

By the way, our apartment smells like chicken fajita tacos right now. I really want some.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Keeping up

Last weekend, we went to Ian and Jamie's place. We hung out there for a few hours, went for a walk. They have a dog and a cat, and Amy loved playing with them. She just naturally likes animals, which is great. Then Ian and Jamie watched Amy for a little bit, while Brandon and I went to eat dinner. We were going to shop around, but then we realized it was after 5 on a Saturday, so everything was closed. It was a fun trip though, I enjoyed getting out and seeing other people :)

I finished week one of C25k. It went better than I expected it to. It was tough, but doable. I am ready to start week two tomorrow.
Brandon is also doing it as well, he went twice this past week. Hopefully, I can get him to go all three times next week ;)

Amy is doing very well. She's been working on her speed crawl lately. She also still pulls herself up on everything she can, and she walks holding on to the couch. Still no teeth. Also, no real words yet. She makes sounds like mamama, dadada, naynaynay, etc. but doesn't really know what she is saying.

And here she is in her new high chair! (I've been slacking on the picture taking lately, so there's only one this time)