Saturday, October 15, 2011

Always playing catch up

Colorado has been fantastic! The area is beautiful, the weather is nice, and we even have some family nearby! It's definitely been nice being able to see Melissa and Joseph a lot more. I like that Amy has at least some family she can grow up being around. The rest of our family (and some friends) have even been able to come visit us more. We've also met some great people here, so we've been having fun getting out and doing things again! For most people, the list of things we've done would be nothing, but for us, it's quite a bit! We've been to Rocky Mountain National Park a few times, the zoo, the aquarium, the botanic gardens, the children' museum and a few other places around the area. We even went pumpkin picking a few weeks ago! I enjoyed it, but Amy did not. The pictures from that are still on my camera, but I hope to sort and upload them soon.

Enjoying some books Grandma Amy got her

Me and Amy at Rocky Mountain National Park

Trying to feed a chipmunk (The chipmunk was not as interested)

Running through the park

Just walking around. It was colder than anticipated and I forgot her jacket, so she borrowed mine

Another big thing that happened a couple of months ago, was that Amy was playing at a neighbors house when she fell and hit her head on a dresser. A few hours and an emergency room visit later, she emerged like a champ with 6 stitches. Once we left the hospital, she pretty much forgot they were there, so they didn't seem to bother her much, until it was time to take them out. That was pretty traumatic.

There is more to post and say, but I will (hopefully) add that soon. Didn't want to overwhelm people all in one post ;)
Just wanted to let you all know that we are still alive and kicking!

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