Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lots of pictures!

September was a busy month for us. We went to Texas for two weeks to visit family and surprise Brandon's mom for her birthday (she was very surprised). We had a great time and everyone loved seeing Amy.
Since Amy's birthday was at the end of the month, we had a small birthday dinner while we were in SA and found out she loves chocolate.

Then we came back home, along with Melissa and Grandma Amy. They stayed for a week and we saw the sights of Montreal.

Olympic Stadium

Notre Dame Basilica

Part of the old port

It was a lot of fun having them here and Amy enjoyed every bit of attention she got!

On Amy's actual birthday, we made her more cake. This time it had vanilla icing, and she wasn't as big of a fan. But we still got a few good pictures.

And finally, (two days before her birthday), she got some teeth! Two little pearly white nubs appeared on her bottom gums. They really seemed to pop up out of nowhere!

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