Saturday, May 29, 2010

8 months and still no chompers

I know, I should be happy that she hasn't gone through teething yet, but I just want to get it over with, haha. I'm afraid that the older she gets, the worse it will be for her.

Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on with her. She's getting really big, already wearing 12m clothes. She's sitting well, and even pulled herself up on her knees in her crib the other day. She also grabs everything is reach, and pulls. Her favorite thing to grab is my hair of course. And she's like a ninja. Grabs and pulls and I am halfway to the floor before I even realize it. When we go to stores, she reaches for anything she can get her hands on.
She seems to be constantly happy. Sometimes I think that somewhere along the way, Brandon replaced her with a robot. A smiling, laughing, happy robot. And hey, I'm not complaining at all. I'm just amazed by it. She is always so good. I don't know how we got so lucky!

This coming Thursday, we will be heading to NYC for Melissa's graduation from Brooklyn Law School! So that is pretty exciting. And it will be nice to see them again. And then after NYC, me and Amy are heading to Texas to visit more family and friends. Unfortunately, Brandon has to come back home to go to work :(
We're really looking forward to the trip. Hopefully Amy will do as good on this one as she did on the last one.

I have taken some pictures lately, but as usual, I haven't gotten them off my camera (and my camera is currently in the room with a sleeping baby, so I'd rather not disturb anything). I'll try to add some in the next few days)

1 comment:

  1. Corbin has a month on Amy and still no teeth here either. :)
