Tuesday, November 10, 2009

6 weeks old

It's been a while, I know. Not a whole lot has happened. Amy is growing like crazy. We went to the doctor today. She weighs 12 pounds 12 ounces and is 24 inches long. The doctor said she is almost the size of a 4 month old... haha. I thought that might be pushing it a little bit, but I know she is definitely a big 'ole baby.
She has been really good though, very happy in general. Of course, she has an adorable smile that she likes to show off. And now she even smiles in response to things, rather than just when she is sleeping.

Me and Brandon are doing really well too. Fairly well rested, I'd say, for new parents. For a while, Amy wasn't sleeping at night. She would sleep all day and then be up all night. So we would have to take shifts. But earlier this week, I started a nightly routine for her, and we adjusted a few things and she has gradually been getting better. Last night, she slept all night, waking up only to eat. I was quite proud of her. And it was the first time both me and Brandon have been able to sleep in our bed, at the same time in over a month.

We're looking forward to Thanksgiving, when Melissa and Joseph will be come to visit, and then on the 2nd, we make our way down to Texas! We have a busy couple of weeks coming up. It's going to be tiring, but still fun. I can't wait to see everyone I haven't seen in so long.

Btw, this is why swings have straps.

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