Tuesday, February 24, 2009

September 29th

That is the estimation of when our little dinosaur will be here. I went to the doctor today. 9 weeks. She said there is definitely something growing in there, and that's about all the said. Oh, and the tylenol cold I took was a no no. Then I had to go to the hospital and get poked by a needle. I won't have an ultrasound until late April though. So I guess everything seems fine for now, for the baby that is.  For me, that's another story. May I just say that being pregnant is no fun at all. 'Morning' sickness is terrible. I do like being spoiled by my amazing husband though. Tonight we are ordering pizza and watching movies. Can't get much better. 
A few people have asked me about cravings, but no, nothing weird. Yet. I mean, I occasionally want certain things, but I don't think it has anything to do with the pregnancy. You know, if I see someone on tv eating chocolate pudding, I suddenly really want some chocolate pudding. Or if I smell onion rings, I want some onion rings. On the way home from New York yesterday, the train smelled like chicken fajita tacos. For hours. It was almost torturous. 
I got home last night from a two and a half week vacation. Went back home to Texas to visit my family and tell them all the good news. Dad wasn't surprised, Mom screamed, many others were surprised, and lots said congratulations. You know, the usual. I got really sick while I was there, so I didn't get to do near as much as I wanted, or see all the people I wanted to, but hopefully it won't be too long before I get to go back. Also spent close to a week in Brooklyn with Melissa. That was fun too. I was a less sick there than I was in Pleasanton, but still not too good. We went to the Bronx zoo, which was nice, but I am sure it would be much nicer in the summertime.
It was good to see everyone I saw while I was there, but I was very happy to come back home to Brandon. Who has also been sick since not long after I left. For a while, I thought sympathy sickness was a myth, but now I am starting to wonder...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's a....

Dinosaur! That's right, we are having a dinosaur, at least that's what it looks like right about now. I am told it will start to look more human eventually though.....what a shame.

Sadly there isn't much to update anyone on at the moment. We just found out last Tuesday. Using websites we are guessing that Kristen is about 6-7 weeks pregnant. We won't be able to find out for sure until Kristen gets back from her San Antonio and New York trip. Her doctor appointment is on the 24th, so we can fill you all in on all the juicy details then, when we find out.

So until then, we hope you enjoy this picture of what we think Mr. Snuffle McGruff the 3rd (Dino) will look like upon birth with our super advanced photo imaging software.